We scored some cheap tickets to The Canyons a couple weeks ago and thought it would be a great opportunity for Afton to test out the slopes! We weren't too surprised that she really enjoyed it and wants to go again. She definitely has an adventurous spirit. We love that about her! (Personal report: I didn't fall once! I kind of expected to since I haven't gone skiing in 5 years... but maybe it had something to do with being on the bunny slope the whole time-- which was FINE by me!)
Check out the pose (Hee Hee!):
Shaun (Trav's bro) was able to take the day off and join us for the adventure.
Thanks, Shaun! It was fun!
(I love those mini-skis)
Trav is very patient, and quite the pro. I don't know how he can go backwards, hold her up, and not run into a tree, all at the same time!

Afton and I took a break at the lodge and played with the camera for a bit. I'll spare you the shots she got of me, but here's a good one of her!

Here we are on the lift (taken with Shaun's handy Blackberry):