Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thank Goodness for Cousins!

Well "Afton and me on our own for a whole week"... has turned more into "Afton and me and Boston and Mariah and Whitney and Becca and Lyndee...."

Last night Mariah, Whit, and Boston came over. Boston and Afton decided they wanted to take a tubby. The bathroom turned into a flood zone, but they had fun!

Tonight, Bec & Lyndee came for a visit. Aunt Bec read to her while Lyndee did her whole 3 minutes of homework... and then they played, played, played! Afton is so lucky to have such great cousins to play with!

Only 2 more nights without out favorite guy around. I think we're gonna make it!! ;)

Speaking of our favorite guy (that would be Travis, a.k.a. daddy-- just to be clear)...I have to share his exciting piece of news from Denver today. He bumped into Chalres Barkley and shook his ["big"] hand!! Lucky for Trav he had his new point-and-shoot camera with him, so he took a couple paparzzi-style pics, too. (Well, Trav-- it's not quite George Clooney, but I guess the purchase has already proven to come in handy).

Too bad he forgot the camera cables... otherwise I'm sure he would have already posted the news and proof by now. (Hee Hee- J/K, lovey!). We'll just pretend this is one of his pics:

1 comment:

jenjamin said...

Whoa, looks fun though. Sometimes that alone time is good. Afton is so darn cute!